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Thrift stores are extremely budget-friendly for individuals and families living frugal lives. Thrift store are second-hand stores that resell original goods.

Hey Suga! It’s summer and before it’s all over, you’ll need to put use some of those thrifty wares you have around!

The thrift stores and Target are where I shop for all my fashion needs.

Well, you know I am all about that frugal life and prefer saving my coins for travel (LOL)! Seriously though, I was one at first for the second-hand stores. Don’t get me wrong or anything however, I grew up on “hand me downs.” Therefore, as you can imagine, I grew a strong dislike in having clothes and sneakers past down to me. However, times have changed and so have I! I absolutely live for the thrift store amongst all of the other things 😉

This beautiful dress was literally calling my name when I stepped foot into the thrift store (really, it was) or maybe it was me? On one of my thrift store hauls, I found this beauty and a couple of others. These dresses were relatively inexpensive. Like, I really brought this dress for $3 from my local Goodwill. Did I mention I love the Goodwill? Well, I did now! Usually on my thrift store hauls, I take the whole family because it’s one of our outings. I know you think I am being funny here but, I am totally serious!

My children love the thrift store almost as much as I do. It’s so hilarious because my kids would pick out clothes and bring them to me and say things like “Mom, this would look great on you!” I am telling you now, I have some amazing little on a budget fashionistas. My girls especially, always make sure that they bring me clothes that are on sale. Yes, the thrift store has weekly sales! For example, the dresses are usually $6.99 however, when they are on sale there are 50% off and the dresses are $3.50! These prices just make me so excited. I feel like it’s Christmas when I walk through the thrift store and all my goods are on sale.

Shopping at the thrift stores has truly saved us so much money over the last 2 years that we’ve been shopping there. We can literally leave the thrift store with bags of clothing, spending on average $200.00! This amount includes at least 3 outfits for each of us, keep in mind there’s 7 of us. This is insane, I know! Literally, we can get our entire wardrobe filled from shopping at the thrift stores. Often times with the exception of our footwear.

I don’t typically like buying sneakers unless they are brand new from the thrift stores. Nothing personal, I just don’t prefer to do so. I find that for almost the same price I can go shop last-minute sales and get similar pricing. Also, before Payless when out of business, we literally brought every one of our children at least 5 pairs of sneakers each. We brought in bundles and I literally, brought a variety of sizes based on age and how I calculated the growth of their feet.

So far, I have been spot on with their shoe sizes and bring out a new pair of sneakers when their feet grows to that size. I definitely recommend buying when sales are in. I absolutely refuse to pay full price for shoes and clothing!

It brings such joy to my spirit knowing that I am training up my children not to be materialistic and obsessed with brand clothing.

I teach my children that looking nice and being comfortable is more important than the clothing brand. My children are also taught the value of a dollar. We teach them, basic money management skills that they can use at their ages now and in the future.

I really recommend you all do the same. Teach your children how to save and how to shop smart. There are so many children that are not taught basic money management skills at home and as a result, they are the #1 consumers in the market. Do yourself a favor and save yourself from debt. Look to our other blog posts where we show you ways to teach your children how to save. Remember, our children are watching us and seeking opportunities to learn basic life skills from us. If we don’t teach them right, I guarantee they are going to turn to the world!

Tell me what you think about this. Please, leave me your comments and questions if you have any. I truly love reading them from my readers. Until next time, remember that we love you and you are purposed for the life that you’re living!