It’s safe to say that many are freaking out and downright afraid of our current conditions that we are currently living in. This outbreak is more serious than many believe and as we can see many businesses have made provisions to protect their consumers and employees. With this outbreak, many businesses that don’t ordinarily operate online are now being forced to do so in order to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus. There are many working parents who are either not working or required to work remotely in order to abide by the recommendations of limiting crowds to no more than 50 people.

Most schools across North America including both public and private schools have shut down until April 1st, 2020 or until further notice.

This Coronavirus Outbreak has put fear in the hearts of many families. Many are afraid that they’ll run out of basic necessities. Some of those basic necessities include food, water, and toilet paper. I can’t tell you why toilet paper is a big deal, but many are frantic about it. The government is recommending that people limit their person to person contact in fear of being infected with the virus.
Due to this outbreak as of Monday, March 16th Walt Disney and Universal both have made the ultimate decision to close!

Being that we were just on vacation in Orlando, Florida, we saw the effect of this first hand. There were many people who have traveled near and far who have waited months if not years for this vacation. Many were informed that they would have to vacate the premises as of this Friday, March 20th, 2020. Seeing how businesses are reacting to the current condition of this outbreak puts people especially families in a panic. The cases of people who are infected and the number of deaths continue to rise.

Therefore, as parents, we need to be aware and counterintuitive.
Yes, we must be able to plan and keep our faith. Yes, this outbreak is serious and our livelihood is at stake. However, we must remember that joy comes in the morning. We must remember that we have the ability to trust our faith believing that this too shall pass. We can’t get frantic and in a frizzy because of our current conditions. Our children are watching us. Yes, they are watching us because they look to us for protection and security.

If we start freaking out during this outbreak and begin operating in fear, we then miss the opportunity to find joy within our current state of being.
We had decided that we weren’t going to fear. Yes, we made a conscious decision to remain calm and trust in God. We are spending our family time enjoying movies together and playing outside in our backyard. We are reminded that there’s still life out here. Yes, we have listened to the news broadcasts however, we refuse to allow it to dictate our family life.

So, during this outbreak, I recommend you to also find something to keep you going.
If that’s reading a novel, exercising, planting in your yard, or even doing laundry find something. Don’t get worried and stay there. Life is still worth living. Spend this time building relationships with your children. Teach them something new. We personally began planting again. I absolutely love planting and gardening. Therefore, I will be taking the next few weeks planting with our children. This gives us something to look forward to. The government has limited our interactions with others however, you can stay in your backyard and allow your children to explore.

Encourage them to use their imaginations. This is not the time to stay on social media day in and out surfing nothing. No use this time to be productive. This will ultimately bring joy to your life at such a time as this. Don’t let this outbreak rule your household and stop your ability to create memories with your children.

I encourage you to allow your children to be themselves and to enjoy life. While our world is in turmoil not sure of what is next to come, allow them to be kids. Teach them through your ability to remain calm. Allow your children to look at you as a role model. I encourage you to understand that there is a time and a season for everything. You can find joy in almost anything if you allow yourself to do so. Just like there were other scares in our world this coronavirus will pass. It may take longer than we expected however, it will pass. Just know that you don’t have to be miserable until it does. Enjoy your time today.