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With the change in the season, many people start to experience what is known as seasonal depression.

In fact, now that Autumn is here, many people find themselves dreading the fact that summer is in fact,over. With only a couple days left of warmer weather across the coast, there are many people trying to get their last-minute summer flings in. While there are other people that are feeling anxious now that the season is changing. Studies suggest that winter is the most time of loneliness experienced by people. While the summer brings more outdoor activities winter does the opposite.

Unfortunately, some people feel like they are then isolated by staying indoors. With the shorter hours that exists within the daylight savings, it creates a feeling that there is more darkness around this time of year. Now I on the other hand, absolutely love Autumn. Between the beautiful colors and the start of the holidays, I absolutely look forward to it.However, to be completely honest with you, I wasn’t always like this.

I too suffered from seasonal depression. I totally disliked the change in season from Summer to Fall.

The change in season used to remind me of a dark time in my life where I felt isolated. I just wasn’t able to experience the outdoor activities any longer and it affected me. However, it was to a point where I needed to make a change. Yes, I needed to make a determination within myself. I needed to make a conscious decision for myself that I was going to embrace change.

Honestly, I had to understand that it wasn’t going to happen on its own. Nothing happens unless we ourselves make it happen. I understood that I neeeded to perform an action in order to change the way I perceived the world through change. I had to realize throughout the years that change is inevitable. It happens whether we wanted to or not. Therefore, I made it my absolute commitment to change my mindset and my perspective on life.

I needed to change the way that I perceived the change in the seasons. In order for me to do so, I needed to change my mindset. I started by re-evaluating those thoughts that were associated with the change in season. Now that my perception has been changed, I now identify this is the time of year as a time of rebuilding. This time of year, is the time that I get to celebrate being home and celebrate my home with my family. We do so with decorations. Fall family events in the community. This can be Apple Picking, going to an animal petting zoo, or even going to a corn maze. There are so many things that you can do to uplift your spirit and perspective on the change in the seasons.

Here, I listed 8 ways that you can too embrace the change in season and actually enjoy it.

1. Identify your current situation

Getting a good understanding of where you are mentally, physically, and spiritually will allow you to be able to assess your situation. Before taken baggage from one season to the next, it is imperative to understand your current state of mind. Once you obtained a clear understanding, you may then be able to evaluate and plan. Remember, it is extremely important to identify your “problem” before you begin to work out the solution.

2. Set some goals for the new season

Mentally, physically, and spiritually. Set some goals for the new season. It sounds a little funny because most people when they think about goals they associated it with New Year’s resolutions. However, I promise that this is totally different. As individuals, we should be in constant communication with our goals and objectives that we set out for ourselves. This is applicable in your mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Goal set, write down your new goals for the upcoming season. Prepare your mind, body, and spirit to experience change. 

3. Work on new projects

After you have planned and goal set for the upcoming season, it’s  now time to start working towards those goals. It’s very important that you start implementing the steps that you have written down to meet your goals. Don’t expect to achieve your goals in one day. No, it does not work that way. It will take time and require effort. However, you are able to do it. You must understand that once you put your mind to it and your efforts then you’ll truly succeed at whatever it is. 

4. Embrace the new season with open arms

Look at the change in season as a new opportunity for growth to take place. I find that many people despise change even though change is inevitable. If you just think about it, everything around us changes. From the seasons to the months, days, people, and even your pets experience change. I find that instead of dreading it and running from it, we must embrace change. Change is something that is necessary and our growth and development both physically and spiritually.

5. Let go of the old

In order for you to be successful in accomplishing your goals, you’ll need to let go some of that “old”. We are humans and that means we are creatures of habit. However, I am telling you that it’s just some stuff that cannot go with us into our new season. Haven’t you noticed that some of those most beautiful leaves on those trees have all came off and now the trees are bare? No matter how nice those leaves were with their colors, they needed to come off and couldn’t survive in the new season. Therefore, we must part with some of those things. Like what? I am glad you’ve asked! Some old stuff may be old attitudes, mindsets, perception, and even habits.

6. Prepare your children to accept the change in season

I like to remind my children of this concept every time that they are upset that the summer is coming to an end. I remind them that there is a time and a season for everything. There is a time to play, time to mourn, a time to love, and a time to separate. It’s pretty funny that God already has this figured out for us. It’s truly a matter of us embracing this concept. Once we do, I believe we’ll have better inner peace within. Spend this time with your children and doing some fun crafts around the house. Therefore, now that the season is changing and you’re most likely will be spending more time at home, find some fun things to do indoors.

7. Decorate your home and have fun

Many people decorate their house throughout the year; however, my start of the decorations begin in the fall. Between the beautiful door wreaths and the wonderful floor mats, I just adore the change in season. The fact that summer is almost over, and fall is on its way, I feel that we can all use a change in the weather. With the recent humidity and hurricane scare, we’re waiting for some type of change.

However, I want to remind you, that you don’t have to get all fancy or even break the bank at all. You can order on Amazon for some fun festive fall decorations. I find that this is a great way to express some of your gratitude for family and for love in the process of decorating and being creative. We typically love shopping on Amazon Prime for some of the decorative items to decorate our home and our offices with. Our children love it and they start becoming more involved in it.

8. Live on Purpose

During this change in season, remember to live with purpose and on purpose. Embrace each day with gratitude. I have found with gratitude; life is so much easy. Be optimistic and open to what there is to come. You don’t know what life truly has to install for you, no one does really! Therefore, I strongly encourage you to live with joy and you’ll have more peace within. Share your positivity with the ones you love and care for. Positivity can go a long way, only if you let it.

I’ve learned to embrace change at a time in my life where it was difficult to do so. At one point I found myself fighting against the tread. I did not like to embrace change. I much rathered things to stay constant. I had to learn the hard way in life that it just does not work that way. No, it does not work that way at all. Change is something that we experience because it makes us better as an individual overall. I’ve learned that through life, we have to start getting better and not bitter throughout the seasons. Check out what Candy Arrington has to say about personal change through the seasons. 

Tell me what you think about this. Please leave me your comments and questions if you have any. I truly love reading them from my readers. Until next time, remember that we love you and you are purposed for the life that you’re living.

Here are some fall items we buy to start decorating our home for the season.