Rain (Verb) As an object of large or overwhelming quantities falling at once. Obstacles in life can appear as rain coming at one time preventing you from reaching your goals. It can also block your perspective on life itself. However, we are taught that most rainbows appear after the fall of heavy rain. Therefore, be confident in knowing that the rain will subside and this too shall pass.
Let’s talk about it and be real because these are truly the days of uncertainty in which we are living in. No one truly knows what exactly is going on in our world today. It’s almost as if a cyclone has hit us and has left us in the days. It seems as though our world is upside down and we are trying to figure out the next move. Many are waking up to a totally different lifestyle this morning. Many who didn’t planned to homeschool their children are being forced to do so due to the government shutdown because of COVID-19.
Therefore, there are many families who are trying to figure out how to juggle working from home while homeschooling their children.
Many are worried. Yes, they are worried how they are going to feed their children for the next several weeks. There are also worried how are going to make ends meet. With all of this confusion and uncertainty in our world happening around us, I fell on my knees and prayed hard. I don’t have the answers but I know and trust the one that does. It’s God! God has been here since the beginning and he’ll be here in the end. So, I put my trust in him.
In the rain, trust God not your own understanding.
This morning, I woke up with an epiphany. The Epiphany was what if life ended just as it is? What would happen to us individually? What would happen to us collectively. There, I started to think about the struggle or (the rain). I began thinking about how many people are mumbling and complaining during this time when in fact they should be thankful. I started to realize that through this storm we are still able to find joy through the rain. If you are still healthy and well, then you most certainly have something to be joyful about. If your family and children are well and healthy then you again have something to be thankful for.
Stop complaining and find joy right where you are in the rain.
I am reminded that we must be steadfast, immovable always abound in the work of the Lord. We must trust that God is still in control. God knows the plan over each our our lives. He says in his word, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
I don’t know about you, but even knowing this I still find myself in the days wishing that things were different.
Wishing that I didn’t have to cancel my upcoming vacations. Wishing that things go back to “normal”. Although, to think about it, life is good! Yes, life is as I have prayed it would be. I am home with my husband and children. We are good. We aren’t in need of anything. God has been faithful and we have everything we need! God is still providing for us. So, what’s the problem? Right? This is the big question. Many folks are finding themselves pondering this question. They have all that they need but still something isn’t right.
The problem is that many of us are focused on wanting the next best thing rather than being appreciative for what we have right in the moment. What happens is, we get in that mindset where we want something so bad that you can’t find joy right where you are. I think it’s funny because I truly believe that God has his way of slowing things down purposely. He does this so that we can find joy in the moment. He does it so that we can seek him and not those things that we’re wanting so bad. What happens if we shifted what we wanted to wanting God that much more? How would our world look?
During the rain, many forget that God ultimately has the final plan.
Not the government, not congress, not the CDC, but God. Therefore, I choose to find joy. Joy is much easier than misery. Today, I started with me. I woke up and thanked God for a beautiful day. I was intentional in finding joy in everything. I rejoiced as I heard the birds chirping this morning. I rejoiced as saw the sunrise. I became grateful at that fact that my family and I are well and not inflicted.
Therefore, I want to encourage you to do the same. Look around you and count your blessings. You are blessed beyond measure. Stop allowing what is going on around you to cloud your judgement of how blessed you truly are.
Can you find yourself enjoying life through the rain?
Thank you again for taking the time out of your busy day to read this post. It is my prayer that this post touched you in someway. It is my prayer that you have received some insight and are able to find joy through the rain. Please leave me a comment and I’ll be sure to get back to you. Be blessed and know that this too shall pass.