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Traveling is a special time, where children and families can get away from their reality of stressors in life.

Traveling may allow a person or family to spend time with the ones that they love most. Unfortunately, many people want to vacation more but find themselves not able to afford to do so. There are various reasons why individuals and families don’t travel as much as desired. Those reasons may be due to a lack of finances or time. However, studies have suggested, that having a lack of finances and resources are the main reasons why individuals and families don’t travel in today’s society.

Unfortunately, we can relate to the statistics ourselves.

As children, Antwan and I never traveled with our parents. Mainly because we just weren’t afforded the opportunity to do so. There were various reasons like the ones listed above. We both came from very poor families who lacked both the resources and finances to travel. In fact, our families did not speak of money at all. This was because quite frankly, there was nothing to talk about in reference to money. Seriously, our families didn’t mention much of money mainly because no one had any. There was never any financial literacy teachings during our childhood. Therefore, we weren’t taught about it and we definitely didn’t travel as a result.

When Antwan and I met, traveling was one of the first things that we found in common with one another.

Our relationship a decade ago thrived off of spontaneous travel.

At the drop of a dime, we would leave the city and head to a different state for the weekend. We did this quite frequently. We found enjoyment in vacationing and traveling together. In fact, it was the memories that kept us going. The fact that we were creating new memories with one another sparked something in us. It reminded us of the  experience we didn’t have as children.

We wanted to start incorporating this with our young family. Therefore, we started to take them on vacation with us. After a few family vacations, it just started to become a tradition for us. We began planning last-minute trips and vacationed together as a family. It’s something that really stuck to us throughout the years.

I remember the first time we took our children to the beach in Maine, watching my husband play with our kids and build sandcastles for the first time was EVERYTHING. This is something that not only I will remember but also our children would for the rest of their lives. It’s just some of those moments that you can’t take away once they are created. In fact, we found ourselves wanting more and more of those kinds of moments because it reminds us of the importance of family and vacationing.

Here are some ways that traveling can benefit families especially children:

1. Well Roundedness

Traveling with children allows children to gain experience outside of their comfort zone. Children are able to see how other cultures live. They gain a greater perspective on life. Children then learn how to be self-confident by this new experience. This is something that will stick to children for the rest of their lives.

2. Let Go and Live

It is true that children experience stress at times. Vacationing and traveling allows children to let go and actually enjoy the moment. Children are able to enjoy being a child. With all of the pressures and demands on children especially in the school system, traveling allows children to let go and live.

3. Enhance Growth

Children who travel are able to grow and develop milestones sooner. Children are able to exercise their different senses. There are also exposed to different languages at an early age. This is especially for children who travel outside of their native country.

4. Culturally Diverse

Children who travel are often exposed to different cultures. This is absolutely great for children because it allows them to see different kinds of people throughout the world. They become more familiar with unfamiliar faces. They also get a good understanding that people are all different. When our children see people that don’t look like themselves, they are more influenced by this and are able to understand that people come in all shapes and sizes. Children are then able to share ideas and make connections with people that don’t look like them.

5. Experience Nature

Children are able to exercise their imaginations. Children who travel are more exposed to the environment and nature at its finest. Children gain a broader perspective on nature. When traveling with our children, we allow our children to gain a different perspective on life by looking at the differences in nature. They also experience different bodies of water throughout the world by swimming in oceans, lakes, and rivers. This allows children to experience nature and use their imaginations more freely.

6. Difference in Transportation

When traveling to different parts of the world, children are able to experience various avenues of transportation. This allows children to understand the differences between them all. I remember when we first took our children on an airplane from New York to Indianapolis. They experienced flying for the very first time. Although we were kind of worried about how our children would respond, they did great! We were able to sit in the front seats of the cabin, with the most legroom. We were able to watch our children gaze out the windows into the clouds. They were so amazed at how high the airplane was up in the sky. I’ve learned that children then begin to broaden their perspectives on different transportation routes, airplanes, buses, boats, cruises, etc.

7. New Beginnings & Opportunities

We’ve found that children who travel are able to embark on new beginnings. They are able to try new things for the first time. Things that they wouldn’t ordinarily try in their home state. Traveling opens up countless opportunities to engage in new activities. Children are more adaptable. They develop the skills to be able to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. Children learn how to think outside of the box while traveling and gained a new understanding of life itself.

8. New Perspectives & Expand Horizons

Children who are given the opportunity to travel especially at an early age are often exposed to different ways of life. Different foods influence their taste pallets. They are able to open up their bodies as they experience different environments. This allows their senses to grow and expand. This is especially important for children because it decreases the likelihood of these children being picky eaters because they have been exposed to different varieties of foods.

Overall traveling with children and allowing children to vacation throughout the years is absolutely necessary for the growth development of a child.

Children are raised more balanced when they’re introduced to travel. Traveling with your children also allows the trust to be set in. The connections that are built while traveling and vacationing are priceless. Just remember to bring a camera to capture the moment of joy as a family!

Check out The Wondering Wagners as they have some insight on traveling with children as well.

Tell me what you think about this post. Please, leave me your comments and questions if you have any. I truly love reading them from my readers. Until next time, remember that we love you and you are purposed for the life that you’re living.