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Burnout is something that is very real. Many people throughout the world experience burnout at one point or another. However, burnout is very common in motherhood. Although, there is an unspoken perception that moms can do all things and not feel a bit of burnout. This is entirely untrue. Mom’s burnout is real. It could happen at any point during motherhood.

Typically, we see mom burnout at the beginning of mothering. However, it can happen at any point in time; where a mom feels extremely overwhelmed and stressed during mothering.

Look, I see you and I know what you’re going through. I myself have experienced this quite a few times during my motherhood over the last 12 years. I want to remind you that you are only human. We all go through at some point or another. However, you have to get real and be honest with yourself. The very first time I felt mom burnout I was in total denial. I did not want to believe that I was experiencing burnout because I didn’t want to feel less than a mother. I didn’t want to feel as if I couldn’t handle my role as a mother.

With all the symptoms of mom burnout, I experienced anxiety the most. I felt that I was always anxious most of the time and was on defense. I was very short-tempered with my husband and children. However, I didn’t want to admit that I needed help.

I want to remind you that it’s OK to experience burnout. It is also OK to admit that you need help.

I want you to understand that you ask for help not because you are a weak, but because you are trying to remain strong. There’s a misconception that if you ask for help, then you are a weaker vessel. This is not true at all. The strongest person still needs help sometimes.

You can’t keep going forward under these circumstances and experience burnout. It will progressively get worse if left untreated. It is imperative for you to start practicing some steps to deal with the anxiety and other symptoms related to mom burnout.

Here are some practical steps that you can start implementing today, that will help you cope with mom burnout immediately.

Remember, the goal is to become more effective in mothering and nourishing the relationship with your children.

#1: Shift your mindset

The very first thing that needs to happen is that you must shift your mindset altogether on life. You have to become more aware of your circumstances and realize that your situation is only temporary. Shift the way that you respond to things. This is going to require special attention and guidance. You have to become more aware of yourself and the reactions you are exhibiting.

#2: Acquire a new perspective

It is very important for you to change your perspective of parenting. Change the thought process that you had associated motherhood with. Motherhood is an extremely important part of life. However, shift your perspective that you need to be all things to your children at all times. This type of mentality is going to lead you and to a whirlwind of burnout. You are one person that still has a life beyond your children. Therefore, change your perspective that you need to be a wonder woman.

#3: Prioritize is Essential

I found that it is truly important for you to prioritize your duties as a mother. If you fail to prioritize your life you will then fall victim to an unorganized lifestyle. This alone will bring on loads of anxiety and confusion. As a mother, you have to live a lifestyle of decency and order. There are 24 hours in each day, prioritize what needs to be done from most important to less important. Not everything needs to be done in one day. Keep this in mind.

#4: Consistency Is key

Keep in mind that children need consistency and so do mothers. Both thrive on consistency in order to be effective. I struggle with this so much. When I first became a mother, I did not work off a schedule. I kind of let my daughter go to sleep when she wanted, eat when she wanted, etc.

Needlessly to say, it was very chaotic. I felt as though I could never get anything done. Therefore, I want you to understand that you must be consistent in your efforts of mothering. Set up a daily schedule that you will live by as a ritual.

Your schedule is going to be your key to success. The best way to deal with burnout and to avoid extreme burnout is to live by a schedule. Start each day planned out accordingly. Prioritizing what needs to be done immediately and what could be scheduled for a different time.

#5: Affirmations are Important

Each morning upon waking up, take time to affirm yourself. It could in as little as 10 minutes after brushing your teeth. Look right in the mirror and affirm yourself.

Here are some of my favorite affirmations

What this starts to do is confirm your beliefs in yourself. This starts to get embedded into your mind and spirit. This helps when you began doubting yourself with mom guilt. It takes practice to begin believing in it but after a while, it will set in.

#6: Accountability

Take accountability for your actions. Hold yourself accountable for when you overreact and respond negatively. Have a plan and stick to it. Actually so what kind of mother I do you aspire to be. Set some goals and hold yourself accountable to follow them.

Be strategic and have a plan on how you will be held accountable for your actions. What does that look like for you? How would you begin to start changing your actions to become more active and less reactive?

#7: Stay Positive

It is extremely easy to get negative and have self-pity. However, it takes strength to find something positive out of a negative situation. As a mother, you find negative situations all the time. However, it’s your job to find something positive out of it all. Keeping a positive mindset is truly essential in living a positive lifestyle.

#8: Have Gratitude

Living a life full of gratitude is important in maintaining and receiving prosperity throughout motherhood. Having gratitude is necessary in order to truly appreciate the joy of motherhood. A heart of gratitude allows you to see the blessing that motherhood truly beholds.

My prayer is that you appreciate what you have in mothering and find true joy.