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Affirmations are so important in motherhood as it reprograms our subconscious mind. Affirmations have the ability to change the beliefs that we have about ourselves and about the world. The benefit of Affirmations is to help us re-create the reality that we truly want and are attracting.

As a mother, we truly go through different things at different times throughout our journey of mothering. We go through things that are inspiring and some that are defeating. As mothers, we are inevitably evolving. We are always growing as mothers. However, there are times when we feel as though we have had our share of growth.

It seems as though sometimes, we have to learn how to adjust to the constant change that motherhood brings. When you’re under stress, positive affirmations can be the tool that you will use to help bring you out of a rut. Positive affirmations are so crucial and beneficial in motherhood as they are powerful enough to break the chain of self-pity.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are meaningful statements that are said with confidence and truth. Affirmations are truly words that can produce healing and regeneration in one’s life. These powerful statements have helped millions of people make significant changes throughout their lives.

How does affirmations work?

Affirmations truly work if the person is in a state of transformation. Meaning that the person must be willing to accept the new way of thinking and believing. In other words, the mom seeking to use affirmations have to believe in the possibility of change. A doubtful mind could not be in a position to receive new beginnings.

Affirmations are so powerful as they have the ability to release you from any kind of negative anxiety or belief that you have about yourself or the world around you.

How fast does affirmations work?

Affirmations do not work like magic and do not work overnight. There needs to be consistency in the repetition in order to reprogram the mind. Stating these positive statements over and over has the ability to change your thought processes and require your brain chemistry. These very powerful statements can change the pattern of your thinking and your life ultimately overtime.

Your words have power!

Importantly, life and death are in the power of the tongue. What we say we become ultimately. Therefore, we have to be very specific and particular on the things that we tell ourselves. As a mom often times, we hold some much pressure on ourselves. Unfortunately, this pressure can lead to a negative outlook on one’s life. Therefore, when you start speaking positive words to yourself you can literally change your life.

How often should you practice affirming yourself?

Just like any new task in life you need to start off on a good pattern. It is recommended that you begin speaking these affirmations right at the beginning of your day. You can begin practicing this first thing in the morning after your prayer or daily devotional. From my experience, what this does is change your pattern of thinking from the very beginning of the day.

Eventually, these simple yet powerful statements will become a part of your life and will produce a lifestyle change for you.

When I began practicing positive affirmations in my life it was during a dark time. I was going through a season of extreme depression and anxiety. It was right after having my fourth child. I know I didn’t want to experience the Mommy “blues” and needed something to keep me going. I’d started listening to Tony Robbins and heard how he began attracting the life that he wanted by speaking affirmations to himself.

I knew that in order for me to truly change my state of being I needed to start speaking what I wanted to acquire.

Without a doubt, I did just that. I began speaking the things that I wanted to start believing about myself. Things that were not present in my life, I began speaking those things. What I noticed right away, was that I began feeling better about myself. I began feeling more positive about my situation. Although, my life in the physical has not changed up until that point; my way of thinking was beginning to shift.

In order to be successful in practicing affirmations, I truly recommend you make a list of the negative things that you believe about yourself and about your motherly abilities.

Include any negative things that you found yourself holding onto. It could be a negative thought that you have had since you were a child in up until this point of mothering. Write down any self-criticism that you had given to yourself in the judgment that you have held. Furthermore, what you are going to do is begin changing those negative thoughts with positive affirmations.

Once you’re done with those negative thoughts and beliefs that you have, I recommend you write down the opposite of those thoughts. I recommend you write the positive side of those negative statements. Basically, I want you to begin finding something positive out of every negative statement you have written down.

We all possess great things from within us. However, throughout life and situations, those great things become cluttered. Therefore, it is up to you to pull back that negative clutter and find your positive attributes through affirmations.

Once you have a list of statements, I suggest you start to recite them to yourself. At first, it’s going to seem weird and funny at the same time because the statements aren’t going to be your current reality. However, I want you to have faith to believe that eventually, the “wishes” will become your reality.

It has happened for me many times over again. I am confident that if you seriously take my recommendations, it will produce growth and change in your life. You will begin letting go of the negative image you have and become more confident in who you are becoming.

It is my prayer that this post provoked a change in your mindset and in your life. I pray that you begin living a life full of hope and prosperity through the practice of affirmations.

If you ever find yourself struggling to remember that we’re in this together. Remember that better days are ahead of you. Keep your head up and stay positive. Affirm yourself and the life you hope to have.