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If you haven’t caught on quite yet, I’ll let you know that my family and I love matching.

We try our best to coordinate. Therefore, this year we started a new tradition and shopped for matching fall pajamas.

This is something totally new for my family and I, especially because we typically do not celebrate Halloween. However, I wanted to do something festive this season.

I wanted to get into the spirit of the holidays and what better way to do that than with matching family pajamas. 

So we shopped last minute for fall festive pajamas and managed to pull it off this year.
I have to be honest, shopping for matching family fall pajamas was sort of tricky.

Many places like Target and Walmart were sold out relatively quickly. Therefore, we were able to find some amazing ones online.

As much as I loved matching together in our fall pajamas, there’s nothing quite like matching family Christmas pajamas. I promise you, I am so in love with matching family Christmas pajamas. It really puts me in the Christmas mood almost instantaneously.

Therefore, if you’re looking for matching family Christmas pajamas be sure to check out my Matching Family Christmas Pajamas post.