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“Daughters are truly a gift from God and the way you raise them should be your gift back to God”

Samvia Henry.

It was a point in my life when I just did not want any daughters!

Yes! You read that right! I didn’t want the drama that girls could bring. I remember growing up being the youngest of 6 children and the youngest of my 5 sisters; it was so much drama! Therefore, I just didn’t want any parts of it being a mother myself.

Seriously, I didn’t want to have to wrestle with trying to learn how to braid and deal with anyone’s hair besides my own. It sounds selfish but, I just didn’t want a fuss to be honest. This was probably because someone lied to me and told me that raising sons were easier. Yes! I used to hear it all the time that having boys was easier for many reasons. Like not having to do their hair, because boys can just go to the barbershop. Not having to be picky about their choice of clothing because boys were simpler.

“I thought that attitudes and mood swings were something only girls suffered from.”

Boy, oh boy! I just was sure that I only wanted boys. Wow, someone straight lied to me!

 Therefore, when the doctor told us “it was a girl” for the third time, I literally asked God why?

I really didn’t know what I had done to receive the punishment of having not one, not two, but THREE DAUGHTERS!

Then, I started to think back and realized that I gave my mother straight HELL! I can not even lie. I was a riot. I was dramatic and extremely extra. So basically, I felt like I was just getting a taste of my own medicine by having three daughters. Alone, I was overwhelmed by the thoughts of having overly dramatic daughters.

I literally cried. It wasn’t until I realized that God must’ve had an entire plan over my life and had everything figured out! Welp, almost 12 years later, I can say he definitely has the plan!

I am so thankful for my three daughters!

They are my rock! They literally keep me grounded and on track. Each of them has their own unique personally however, they are all like me in more ways than not.

After reading an article on the benefits of raising confident daughters, I started to think about my own experience in my motherhood of raising my daughters. I quickly realized that I truly admire watching them grow into unique little women. However, I understand it is my responsibility to instill values and morals into them so that they grow up to be confident and powerful. I am very adamant about teaching my girls to be competent and courageous.

Lisa Morgan is my oldest and she is my shy daughter. I say this very sparingly because Lisa is shy until she meets you and then she’s all in. As the oldest child, Lisa is very helpful and gentle. I used the word gentle because the other two girls are defiantly the complete opposite of Lisa. Yasss! I affectionately call my other two ratchet (I guess, they get it from their mama!). However, Lisa is definitely growing into herself and being more open these days.

Lea Michelle is my middle daughter and she is the diva of the family. I am so serious because she almost has overthrown my status. Lea has always been the child who liked Barbie dolls and baby dolls. She literally will take anyone’s doll. She’s obsessed with them. Lea is so precious. After watching the movie Princess Diaries, she told me that at 16 years old, she is going to be a princess and marry a prince. She is also very adamant about becoming a queen. So yes, now you know why I said she’s the diva of the bunch.

Livie Moore is our baby girl and she’s the boss. Like literally, can someone say, “baby boss.” She is such a great little leader. She is very confident in herself and oftentimes, it comes off as her being bossy. However, I have learned how to be positive with her bossiness and tell her that she’s very assertive rather than bossy. I am learning that it is very important how I word things with my children overall. Therefore, I take caution not to hurt their spirits or to diminish their uniqueness.

Here are the 6 Key Values and Attributes I Instill in my Girls:

1. Encourage Confidence:

It is extremely important to me that my daughters are confident in themselves. I want them to be able to be sure of themselves and never second guess their abilities. I have found that being a mother of girls, and just a woman in general; we wrestle with too many issues that disturbs the way we view ourselves. There are things in this world that try to inflict our self-awareness of ourselves. Therefore, I am very adamant in teaching my girls to be eagles and soar.

2. Encourage Self-Esteem:

Self-Esteem is one of those things that can destroy a person especially a girl. It is important for women to have high self-esteem about themselves. It is also essential for them to walk in confidence in who they are and whose they are. I enforce this notion daily to my daughters that they were created in the image of God and they are the apple of his eye. I teach and instill in them; they were created both “fearfully and Wonderfully by God.” This is something that I was not sure of when I was a child and therefore, I wrestled with having low self-esteem. However, I am on a mission in my motherhood to break that generational curse of low self-esteem.

3. Encourage Courageousness:

I believe that girls need to be assertive and courageous! We live in a chauvinistic world where women are not giving the same treatment that is given to men. However, I believe that women can still be courageous and brave. It’s important for my girls to be sure of themselves and to persevere. I never want my daughters to be afraid of taking chances on what they believe in because of the risks that may follow. I teach them to go after what they want in this world because anything is possible. I teach them that they must express courageousness in everything that they do.

4. Encourage Humility:

Humility is also important. Although I want my daughters to be confident and courageous, I still want them to be humble. I don’t want them to be boastful about themselves. I teach them the importance of balance. There’s one thing about being confidence and there’s another thing about being cocky and arrogant. I teach them to express love in everything that they do because love balances humility.  

5. Encourage Competence:

Competence is important because it’s the act of having the capabilities of completing something successfully. I teach this to my girls because I want to instill in them, that they must be sure of themselves. They need to not only be smart but competent in what they set out to achieve. It’s important in my opinion, for women to be sure of their own capabilities. This is a great attribute to have as it will boost their confidence in themselves.

6. Encourage to Think Outside of the Box:

I teach my daughters to think differently than the norm. I encourage them to be different in their approach to new things. It’s important to me that my daughters embrace their differences. Growing up, I remember being teased (a lot) because I was considered a “dreamer.” I literally, was teased by my sisters and peers because I just didn’t see life, the way that they saw it. I saw life from a different perspective. I saw life for what it could be rather than the current state I’ve found it in. Today, this attribute allows me to be a visionary creator. I now create different opportunities for myself and others because I have the ability to see what others don’t see. This is my unique superpower. Therefore, I teach my daughters that their differences are what make them unique because it’s their superpower!

Therefore, I want you to know that it is ok for you to also embrace your superpower(s)! Be sure to keep in mind that your superpower is unique to you. You have the ability to achieve everything that you set out to achieve for yourself. Just be confident and persevere!

Find out why we decided to homeschool these little ones!

Please leave me your comments and questions about this post. I find, that it’s important to encourage each other and yourself as well. Again, thank you for reading!