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This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx.com on behalf of Dermoplast

Dermoplast is the everyday First Aid solution for families. Now that it’s officially summertime and we’re in the season of outdoor games and fun for families, is essential that you keep a bottle of Dermoplast handy at all times. Living in the Sunshine State of Florida, It’s safe to say we’re constantly outdoors.

Whether we’re enjoying family fun in our yard or soaking up the sun at the beach. However, being a large family mom of 5 children ranging from ages 2 to 13, I’ve realized that accidents can happen really quickly. That’s why it’s imperative for me to keep a bottle of this spray on deck at all times!

Introducing Dermoplast

I was first introduced to Dermoplast during my postpartum a few years ago after giving birth. Many consumers are first introduced to this brand in this way as well. Let me just tell you, it is truly a lifesaver. It was definitely my go-to four helping me cope with my postpartum pain and discomfort.

Dermoplast Pain, Burn, & Itch

This amazing spray can be used both in the hospital and at home. It provides fast pain, burns, and itch relief from minor scapes, sunburn, and minor skin irritation. I have found this product very beneficial especially for insect bites.

Everyday First Aid Solution

It is inevitable living in Florida to get around insects. We have them everywhere in warmer weather. Unfortunately, Austin always has insect bites. Therefore, we always have Dermoplast spray close by. I’ve found the Aloe and Lanolin in this product adds moisturizer to the skin and it’s safe for children ages 2 and older!

Dermoplast First Aid Antibacterial Spray

This spray is definitely convenient and a game-changer. It kills 99% of germs to prevent infection from growing on minor scrapes, burns, and cuts. It is also safe and effective for children ages 2 and older. It also provides moisture to the skin with is aloe and vitamin E.

Shop Dermoplast

This amazing product can be conveniently purchased through Amazon. You can also download a coupon and save on Dermoplast products.

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